Center for Infrastructure Protection & Homeland Security

Enhancing Food-System Resilience and Ensuring Consumer Confidence in the Aftermath of a Food-Supply Catastrophe

D.A. Unruh, S.E. Gragg, A.L. Nutsch, J.M. Ackleson and J.J. Kastner Kansas State University Introduction If true security is achieved through “the reduction of terrorism […]

In the News – This Week in Critical Infrastructure: Week of December 5, 2016

This Week in Critical Infrastructure, we share news items covering terrorism, pipelines, and cybersecurity from the U.S. and abroad, including items on pipeline infrastructure in […]

From Our Partners – Wiki Weapons & War: The Implications of 3D Printing on National Security

by Benjamin Rabinovitch Introduction Since the first successful test of Defense Distributed’s three-dimensional (3D) printed ‘Liberator’ pistol in 2013, business and technology magazines and websites […]