This Week in Critical Infrastructure we bring the latest in cyber policy from Congress, as well as expert commentary relating to industrial control system security and critical infrastructure policy in Australia.
Expert Tells House Committee: “Healthcare Cybersecurity is Worse Than Reported”
On April 4, 2017, Terence M. Rice, Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Merck & CO. testified before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the state of cybersecurity in the healthcare industry. Pointing to a 2016 study, Mr. Rice noted that the healthcare industry is the most attacked industry in the United States and that health records are often underreported as a security risk.
Congress Addresses Cyberwar on Small Business: 14 Million Hacked over the Last 12 Months
Andrew Zaleski of CNBC provides an overview of the MAIN STREET Cybersecurity Act, which updates the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014 to dedicate resources and set guidelines for small businesses in defense against cyber-attacks. The legislation was partially influenced by a recent study that found half of all small businesses in the United States have been breached by hackers over the past 12 months.
What’s Critical About Critical Infrastructure?
As the first entry in the “Making Cities Work” series from The Conversation, three professors from across Australia discuss critical infrastructure protection. Framed in the aftermath of thunderstorms that caused electrical blackouts across southern Australia in 2016, these experts suggest that Australia should expand its view of critical infrastructure and increase its security efforts at the local level.
Industrial Control Systems: The Holy Grail of Cyberwar
Writing for The Christian Science Monitor, Joe Weiss examines the unique threats posed by industrial control systems as targets of cyber attacks. In the wake of cyber weapons like Stuxnet and Aurora, attacks that can cause physical damage have become a high priority among hackers and cyber experts.