Center for Infrastructure Protection & Homeland Security

Thoughts on Resilience: What Happens When WMATA Shuts Down?

by K. Denise Rucker Krepp At 4:16pm on March 15, 2016, I received a phone call from a reporter.  She wanted to know if I […]

Four Key Imperatives to Building Effective Transportation Infrastructure Resilience

Andrea Stone, InfraGardNCR What actually happens if our transportation infrastructure is not resilient? Can you envision having no access to any mode of transportation for […]

In the News – Diane Rehm Interviews Professor Henry Petroski, Discusses America’s Crumbling Transportation Infrastructure

On Monday, February 15, 2016, Diane Rehm interviewed Henry Petroski, Professor of Civil Engineering and History at Duke University and author of To Engineer is […]

In the News: DHS/OCIA Releases “Aging and Failing Infrastructure Systems – Highway Bridges”

The Department of Homeland Security Office of Cyber and Infrastructure Analysis (DHS/OCIA) produces Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Notes in response to changes in the […]