Center for Infrastructure Protection & Homeland Security

In the News – This Week in Critical Infrastructure: Week of January 22, 2018

This Week in Critical Infrastructure we look at the latest updates on the Trump administration’s infrastructure investment plans, new resources from IEEE on data privacy, and the latest analysis on the future of cybersecurity.

Trump raises infrastructure investment plan to $1.7 trillion

From Reueters, a report from the White House on updated infrastructure investment plans, which President Trump now says will result in $1.7 trillion of investment, a higher figure than the administration had previously projected.

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New IEEE Programs Improve Healthcare Data Security

Elizabeth O’Dowd writes for HIT Infrastructure on a new release from IEEE-SA that focuses on data privacy. The collection of work comes in advance of the international Data Privacy Day, January 28, 2018.

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2 Cybersecurity Issues That Companies and Governments Must Tackle Together

From Yahoo Finance, Michael B. Kelley reports on the announcement at the World Economic Forum this week of the Global Centre for Cybersecurity. With this announcement, Kelley asks Philip Quade, CISO at Fortinet, for his thoughts on the future of global cybersecurity efforts.

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Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity: The real deal

Jon Oltsik of CSO provides an analysis of the implications of artificial intelligence on cybersecurity, not as a new category of cyber products, but rather as helper applications.

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What the Count of Monte Cristo Can Teach Us About Cybersecurity

In this analysis from IEEE Spectrum, cybersecurity expert David Alan Grier looks at the lessons that can be gleaned from The Count of Monte Cristo regarding the human weaknesses in technological system, using the optical telegraph as a stand-in for modern computer networks.

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