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Cyber Resources from the FEMA Lessons Learned Information Sharing Team

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We are pleased to share two of the latest releases from the FEMA Lessons Learned Information Sharing team. The ‘Lessons Learned Information Sharing (’ team identifies lessons learned derived from real-world or exercise experiences within the whole community and documents these lessons for emergency managers to consider when developing plans and exercises. Please click the titles below to download the full documents. These and other excellent resources from LLIS and many others can be found through our colleagues at the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security in their Homeland Security Digital Library, found here.

Cybersecurity: The Need for Common Cybersecurity Terminology Between Information Technology and Emergency Management

“On May 14, 2012, representatives from FEMA Region II participated in a cybersecurity Tabletop Exercise (TTX) that focused on information sharing. During the exercise, participants noted a number of misunderstandings between emergency management and information technology personnel. The key findings from the TTX included improvements in communication and collaboration that could be achieved through implementation of a common cybersecurity terminology. The private and public sectors have developed several resources that could serve as the basis for this common terminology, which are outlined in this Lesson Learned document.”

Cybersecurity: The Michigan Cyber Disruption Response Strategy

“On May 14, 2012, representatives from FEMA Region II participated in a cybersecurity Tabletop Exercise (TTX) that focused on information sharing. During the exercise, participants noted a number of misunderstandings between emergency management and information technology personnel. The key findings from the TTX included improvements in communication and collaboration that could be achieved through implementation of a common cybersecurity terminology. The private and public sectors have developed several resources that could serve as the basis for this common terminology, which are outlined in this Lesson Learned document.”